Back End of Life

Back End of Life

Description: Sometimes the things we see and encounter in life are more than what they appear. In this devotional, we look into the “back end” or behind the scenes view of life.

Day 1: 

If you clicked on this devotion thinking it was about how to plan for your retirement or how to spend those latter years, sorry – this is about a different topic but is relevant to us all. If you work with computers much, you’re probably familiar with the terms “Front End” and “Back End”. The front end is what the user sees on their screen as they use software on the computer. They log in, enter data, search for information, or process work. The front end is everything the user sees and does on the screen. The “Back End” is what goes on behind the scenes that the user can’t see. It’s the coding, algorithms, and configurations working together to perform what the user sees on the front end. Massive amounts of data and commands are being processed on the “back end”. 

If the user sees something way off on the front end, there are only a few things they can do to try and fix it. They can make sure the data was entered correctly, ensure correct buttons were pressed, or reboot the workstation. Anything beyond this is escalated to someone who has more system knowledge, better access, or may ultimately end up in the hands of a developer to fix code or correct bad data. 

As we hear of things happening such as wars in Israel and other places or as we see people’s behaviors and beliefs that concern us, we can feel powerless and wonder what is happening. Even as whispers of COVID resurface, we twitch a little bit when we hear some of the same language from that time re-entering our vocabulary. But looking back to 2020, even outside of the COVID concerns, we saw many things that just didn’t make sense. Things that we are still dealing with. People acting and reacting differently – saying things and acting out in ways many generations haven’t seen before. To many of us, it just doesn’t make sense. It’s like a user encountering something very odd on their computer – it just doesn’t compute. 

Just like computers, there is a “Front End” and a “Back End” to this life. The things we see in this physical world, the day-to-day things that we see with our eyes and experience with our senses are just the front end of life. However, there is a “back end” as well. The realm of the spirit is the back end. When things are happening in the spirit world, it can affect what we see on the front end. Just like users on a computer, there is only so much we can do to fix these things because we are very limited from a front end or physical perspective. The good news is that God already explains this in His Word. We see this theme of conflict between what is spiritual and what is physical all throughout Scripture. From Adam and Eve through Revelation and everywhere in between. Tomorrow we will start looking at some of these things the Bible tells us we can do.



Father, help us to understand the reality of life, how we have been created, and give us an awareness and understanding of the realm You live in. Help us not to be worried about spiritual concepts because this is where You dwell, and You are Lord of it all. Help us realize that there are things happening beyond what we can see and that You give us this knowledge of these things so we can be conscious of them and be victorious.

Scriptures for Day 1: 

2 Corinthians 10: (3-5)

Day 2: 

God tells us in Ephesians 6 that our struggle isn’t against flesh and blood but against rulers and powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places, (NASB). Many Scriptures give us similar indications of spiritual interaction like Daniel’s visions, the story of Job, Joshua’s divine encounter, Balaam’s donkey in Numbers, the unseen army in 2 Kings 6 that only Elisha could see until God opened his servant’s eyes to see as well. The list goes on.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says that “though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. The weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”

2020 and the years that have followed brought about events that defy logic for most of the population. In some people’s view, lawlessness became acceptable, cities were under siege, law enforcement was under attack - even discussions of eliminating it. This is what we saw in the front end – or physical realm, so we must consider what is happening on the back end – or in the spirit realm during these times. It was an attack. Looking back, did you notice that many of these things began manifesting themselves at the same time churches all around the country were shut down and not allowed to gather? Seems like the areas where this behavior was manifested most were also the areas that were the most restricting in their handling of church gatherings. There was a larger battle than a virus taking place – more than what we could see, and while things seemed to have come back to some sort of normalcy, a pendulum has swung pushing boundaries and we can’t pretend that we won’t see it again. So, looking to the future, if we want things to improve it needs to be handled differently.

When we see things happening in our world that just don’t make sense to us, we can try to fix things in our own efforts. We can try to fix things on the “front end”.  We can vote and write letters or send emails which are all awesome and should be done, but they are still limited in their effectiveness and power. We are basically trying to fix something on the front end that is happening in the back end and it’s just not going to work.

So how about some good news... God not only gives us insight to this spiritual realm, but He also gives us His power to engage and wage in this fight. He also gives us direct access to the “Developer”, God Himself. Prayer is our hotline to the help desk and there is no ticketing system with God. Notice in the Scriptures mentioned earlier that He gives us power and authority to participate in this battle. We are overcomers. The Scripture quoted above from Ephesians 6 is the same passage we find Paul’s description of the armor of God-with which, we will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the Devil and resist in the evil day and stand firm. Much of the armor is defensive; however, we also see the sword of the Spirit. Swords are offensive, so let’s be active fighting against this spiritual battle. 

In the Scripture referenced earlier – note how this battle is described as OUR battle and it’s not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers. James 5:16 says “The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” 

The Bible also tells of how the Holy Spirit can give us insight into some of this. 1 Corinthians 12 tells of “gifts” of the Holy Spirit among which include words of wisdom, words of knowledge, and distinguishing of spirits that can reveal to us what is happening behind the scenes that we cannot see or know on our own. Insight into what we are battling and how we can more effectively pray and battle in the Spirit.

As we continue to see things that frustrate us, let’s fight the urge to complain and take it to the Developer instead. If we only view things from a front-end perspective, we will become fearful, frustrated, threatened, and feel powerless. But with the knowledge that there is more going on than what we can see, and that we have power to engage in that battle, suddenly our perspective and tactics change, we are empowered and able to make a difference and to have positive impact. 


Father, as we prayed yesterday - sometimes these things can be intimidating but help us to be aware that you have made us more than conquerors and have given us the resources and power to battle even these kinds of forces. Not us, but You in us. Please give us the boldness of Your Holy Spirit and a revelation of the power You have given Your children - after all what father doesn’t want his children to be protected from every threat.

Scriptures for Day 2:

Ephesians 6

2 Corinthians 10: (3-5)

James 5 16 (2nd half of verse)

Day 3: 

What are other ways we can engage in this battle, especially as it relates to our country? 2  Chronicles 7:14 says “if My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” The context of this Scripture concerns Israel so it’s a different dynamic when we consider our perspective as American Christians.  “If we are God’s people, haven’t we already turned from our wicked ways?”  “I may not be perfect, but I’m forgiven.” Sure, but let me suggest another concept. Maybe part of “humbling ourselves” is confessing the sins of our country even though we ourselves are already striving to be holy. Maybe “praying” means not for our political ideologies and a good economy, but for a move of God, for hearts to turn to Him, and for Him to have mercy on our land. Maybe “seeking His face” includes asking what we can do to advance His Kingdom and righteousness in our land. 

I think of Daniel and other great men of God who interceded for their people. Daniel was a man that was greeted by angels as one being highly esteemed and highly favored, yet this same Daniel in Daniel 9 confesses the sin of his people and his nation as if it was his own sin. God says through the prophet Ezekiel 22:29-30 “The people of the land have practiced oppression and committed robbery, and they have wronged the poor and needy and have oppressed the sojourner without justice. I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one.” May it never be with our country.

As we wrap up this devotional, when we see and hear things that trouble us and don’t make sense, remember that there is more going on than what we can see. That isn’t meant to scare us, just explain things – God is good and if He is for us, who can be against us? So, let’s get engaged and fight the real battle and make a real difference in His strength and power. The tendency is to think we are powerless but let’s put aside the temptation to stand by, shake our head, complain, and wring our hands. Let’s get to work and be diligent and faithful in fighting the good fight.


Sometimes the things of God’s kingdom are backwards from the way we are familiar with in this life. Sometimes battles are waged by what some would consider a weak stance - by humbling ourselves and praying for those that would appear to be our enemies. Lord, give us discernment into the battles we encounter, the concerns we worry about, and even the fear we face. Help us to know who our enemy is and how you want us to respond. We need Your Holy Spirit for this and ask that You would pour Him out anew in us but also across this nation. We need You Lord. We humble ourselves and ask for Your forgiveness for the sins of our nation in addition to our own sins. Please heal our land. 

Scriptures for Day 3:

2  Chronicles 7:14

James 5:16 (2nd half of verse)

This devotional was provided by members of Faith Chapel. For more information or to contact us, visit

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